Traffic Violations Attorney in South Bend
Fight Your Speeding Ticket In Northern Indiana
Fighting a speeding ticket or other traffic violation might not seem important, until you consider how much a violation on your record can really cost you. Under Indiana's DMV point system, a speeding violation can result in as much as six points against your record, depending upon your speed. Getting 18 points against your record within a two-year period means you face a DMV administrative hearing to determine whether to suspended your driver's license for up to one year. Add the cost of increased auto insurance rates and the possibility of additional registration fees for repeat offenses and it can often make sense to fight to keep your driving record clear.
Specializing In Speeding Ticket And Traffic Violations Defense
If you are considering fighting a traffic ticket you received in the Michiana region of northern Indiana, call the office of Jay Lauer, Attorney at Law, in South Bend. In most cases, we can handle all administrative and procedural details without making it necessary for you to attend court or administrative hearings.
Our firm provides aggressive defense of every type of traffic violation in northern Indiana, including:
College student campus traffic violations
Reckless driving
Aggressive driving
Driving under a suspended license, DUS
Distracted driving, texting while driving
DUI defense and DMV hearings
Driver's license reinstatement, provisional reinstatement
Call An Experienced Mishawaka Speeding Ticket Attorney
From offices in South Bend, Indiana, litigation lawyer Jay Lauer provides legal advice and representation for clients throughout the Michiana region. Call toll free (574) 208-6267 or contact our office by email to arrange a consultation with South Bend traffic violations attorney Jay Lauer today.